
Origami Club is a brand new club intended to spread the love and knowledge of origami, the art of folding paper. Anyone is welcome to join the club, so invite your friends! We meet Wednesdays at 9:00pm. Pitt Origami Club can be contacted at pittorigamiclub@gmail.com.

This club is affiliated with and inspired by CMU's Origami Club (see link for more information), so feel free to visit them (they are very nice people).

Pittsburgh itself has a club called Origami Club of Pittsburgh (see link for more information).

For more information about origami, including international origami groups, see Paperfolding.com.

A particularly useful website is The Origami Forum. It contains many diagrams as well as other information.

Current Officers:

  • President: Sanaa Ahmed
  • Vice President: Alekya Kothamasu
  • Business Manager: Peony Lam
  • Secretary: Elizabeth Marriott
  • Social Media Chair: Reed Armstrong

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